Have you set targets or strategised for 2021?
Have you set targets or strategised for 2021? Following on from my blog back in August I want to share with you what we’re planning in 2021.
Like many, 2020 has been an interesting year for me. From getting engaged back in February, buying a house during lockdown, expecting a new addition to the family in December, losing a loved one, home schooling and running a business, it’s certainly been an interesting year.
What I would say is that I’m very proud to have the team we do at Goldstar. Some of our customers were impacted more than others and helping them has meant we’ve all learnt a lot adversity.
So with all this uncertainty why strategise for 2021?
Well as with most businesses you have your targets and you want to grow and improve each year. At Goldstar, we feel 2021 is going to be a special year.
Without targets there is nothing to aim for, however big or small they are. Over the last few months, we’ve been helping many businesses we work with get ready for 2021. You should be no different. Whether it’s turnover, customer satisfaction, increased leads, profit margin or new services, we all need a target.
We’ve been working internally to set our targets and have strategised for 2021. Here are some of those goals:
Customer satisfaction
I’m never satisfied as to how we can help our customers and there is always room for improvement. We’ll be looking to provide more accessible knowledge through our knowledgebase and videos throughout the year.
Employee health and well being
This is something very close to my heart. We have made the big decision to vacate our office and become a fully UK remote team. However, for that to work we must strive to meet up regularly and get time face to face with each other and our clients.
There will be more team days in varied venues when restrictions allow. One other thing we’re doing is reinvesting our office costs into employee wellbeing which will be launched January 2021. We’ll be having more team days than usual next year to make up for missing out this year.

Add New services to align with Zoho
We have two new services to be launched in the next year. One will be launching next week which I’m very excited about and have another set to launch in Q2 of 2021 which we’re very excited about.
Both of these services will match our ambition to help our customers achieve their goals.
Create more stories about our customers success using Zoho
We work with many different businesses in a lot of different sectors and often see similarities that could help different industries. I think it is key to show you those successes from a customers point of view. Expect to see more of these in the future.
Giving back
I firmly believe that work should be enjoyable and fun and this was reinforced when home schooling my children. This has led to discussions to provide the businesses that are just starting out, schools and charities our expertise to help achieve their dreams and goals. This is our way of giving back to our local community to help get back to where it can be.
Other targets
There are the usual targets of turnover, customer acquisition and retention that most businesses have but without the people and the enjoyment of it all it’s not worth it.