Digital Transformation Today - launch your digitalisation
This is the third article in our series breaking down the elements required for successful digitalisation. In the last two articles we have looked at what Digital Transformation means, its operational benefits and key elements. Click the links below for more insight into these. Today, let’s discover how Goldstar can help you launch your business’ digitisation and keep aiming for the stars.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Launch your digitalisation and aim for the stars
Previously, we looked at the four main areas, technology, data, process, and culture but really we have only looked at them in isolation. Commonly, this is the way many organisations treat them – but they don’t live in isolation, they never have. They are parts of the whole – think of it as a crewed space mission. Technology is the rocket, data is the fuel, process is the guidance system, culture is the lunar module. All existing as part of the whole mission and having key parts, but only working well in the right order at the right time. You need them all, and they must function well together – but who guides it – who are mission control?
Digitalisation is not possible – “Our systems don’t talk”
Let’s consider an often-used phrase “our systems don’t talk”. This is common in most digital change scenarios – but where does it lie in our analogy? If the systems required for our crewed lunar mission don’t all work together we have a problem – Remember Apollo 13? Everything seemed to be running smoothly until a routine operation caused an oxygen tank to explode, meaning the lunar landing could not be completed, but more importantly the survival of the mission was brought into question.

Ultimately a combination of the astronauts, mission control and the support teams worked together to bring everyone home and it required the astronauts to cobble together a solution from duct tape and piping – well that can happen with poorly managed Digital Transformation – the desired result might not ever be reached, routine operations can go wrong but what’s completed can be well below par and certainly wouldn’t meet the expectations of those involved!
Tackling digitalisation – where do the problems lie?
Which area is responsible for the common “our systems don’t talk” excuse? It is essentially a technology problem. Be it as a result of organic business growth, updating parts of a system when required without a holistic view of the change needed for future growth, or financial restrictions meaning only mission critical change can occur. Whatever the reason, systems not talking leads to huge process inefficiencies. These may come about from a system that has grown overtime, or altered from its initial brief as your organisational structure and ambitions have evolved. It can sometimes be as basic as data not being collected consistently (or not at all!). This is why technology, data, process and culture all need to work in unison to achieve a success in any digital transformation undertaking.
Without a deep understanding of all aspects, it would be difficult for any business leader to realise the full potential of digital transformation. This can be a common factor in failed attempts or even the reason it is never tried at all. Even with the required level of understanding the bigger picture might not be visible, nor the ability to rationalise the change needed for success. Mission Control in our analogy must take that step back and independently oversee with understanding and expertise in every area of the process.
Goldstar – mission control for many digital transformation launches
Goldstar have been the mission control for many successful Digital Transformations, delivering against the requirements and exceeding expectations. We are here to support you achieving your objectives, even if the unexpected happens, like it did during the mission of Apollo 13. Our consultants know the issues that arise during digitalisation. We check “the insulation on wires before they are used”, ensure consistency in modules and test systems before launch. As a result, we make sure they don’t blow up in your face later in the mission. Goldstar are always on hand to offer guidance through the trickier elements of your transition and if we have to, can make the ‘square filters fit the round ports’ or the data fit the needs and give you what you need for your business to succeed.
Which order do we tackle Digital Transformation?
Finally, we look at the sequencing of all this, technology, data, process, and culture. All must be addressed in the correct order – there is no point in automating a process that doesn’t work. Fundamentally, process understanding, and improvement must come first. But some transformations will be dependent on significant Artificial Intelligence factors. Additionally, poor data is a key contributor to failure in these instances, so data management is paramount. If your culture doesn’t understand the importance of data then we need to look there to make the first change. Ultimately, you start by looking at your end goals and develop the sequence of steps most suited to achieving them.
The primary focus of any Digital Transformation should be addressing the greatest needs of the company first. These priorities will bring focus to the talent needed to accomplish them. This also highlights the areas that will make the greatest difference and bring focus to the challenges that need to be addressed first.
Bringing together the elements for digitalisation
Success in any digitalisation undertaking requires bringing together and co-ordinating across a wider range of disciplines that most imagine. A weak element in any of the four disciplines – technology, data, process and culture and the overall project will suffer. Having the right people in place is the most important element. Be it during need analysis, solution outlining, creating a compelling vision and structuring a plan. Or during implementation, needing flexibility in execution and working through the details. Goldstar bring expertise and skills in these areas to support your digital transformation and ongoing journey. Supplementing your company’s resources at the right time to ensure a smooth transition of technology, data, process and culture.
Part One | Part Two | Part Three | Part Four
Our last part of this series looks at common challenges and obstacles that businesses might face during their digitisation. To find out how Goldstar can help you navigate your journey, or get the most out of your current operations, contact us to book a Discovery Workshop, today.