Zoho Analytics update August 2024

Welcome to the Zoho Analytics update for August 2024! This month’s release brings a suite of advanced features and improvements designed to elevate your analytics processes and strengthen your data management strategies. With enhanced automation capabilities and expanded reporting options, Zoho Analytics continues to lead the way in innovation, addressing the evolving needs of businesses around the world.

Join us as we explore the new updates that promise to optimise your analytics workflows and boost productivity. Dive into the latest features in our Zoho Analytics update August 2024!

Connect to Cloud Data Without IP Allow-listing

You can now connect to your cloud-hosted data using Zoho Databridge without the need to allow-list IP addresses. This enhancement allows for more secure and flexible access to your data within private networks. Additionally, we have revamped the user interface of the Databases and Datalakes page, making it easier than ever to establish connections with your preferred data sources.

Business Benefits

  • Enhanced Security: Access data securely without the need to modify IP allow-lists, reducing potential security vulnerabilities.
  • Streamlined Connectivity: Simplify the connection process to cloud-hosted data with an improved user interface, enhancing efficiency and user experience.
  • Increased Flexibility: Facilitate easier integration with private networks, improving data accessibility and management across various platforms.

This update improves the way you interact with your data, offering a more secure and user-friendly approach to data connectivity.

Click here to learn more.

New in-built function for JSON

New In-Built Function for JSON

Zoho Analytics now includes the extract_json() function, which allows you to efficiently extract data from JSON columns directly within the platform. This function simplifies the process of working with JSON data, making it easier to query and analyze complex data structures.

Business Benefits:

  • Enhanced Data Handling: Seamlessly work with JSON data, enabling more effective analysis and reporting.
  • Increased Efficiency: Reduce the need for external data processing tools by performing JSON data extraction within Zoho Analytics.
  • Improved Data Insights: Gain deeper insights from structured JSON data by integrating it directly into your analytical workflows.

Click here to learn more.

String Data Type in Report Formulas

Zoho Analytics now supports the plain text data type in report formulas, enabling you to incorporate textual data into your calculations and analyses. This enhancement allows for more nuanced and flexible data handling.

Business Benefits:

  • Enhanced Categorisation: Easily categorize and segment numeric data based on text conditions, improving data organisation and reporting.
  • Flexible Analysis: Utilise text-based conditions in formulas to track performance and other metrics more effectively.
  • Improved Insights: Gain deeper insights by integrating plain text data into your analytical models and reports.

Click here to learn more.

Conditional formatting based on other columns

With this update, you can now apply conditional formatting based on values in other columns within your pivot tables. This enhancement allows for greater flexibility and precision in data visualisation.

Business Benefits:

  • Improved Comparisons: Easily compare data points across related columns, highlighting key differences and trends.
  • Enhanced Data Clarity: Make your pivot tables more insightful by visually emphasising data that meets specific conditions or thresholds.
  • Greater Customisation: Tailor your reports to better reflect your analysis needs, improving overall data interpretation and decision-making.

Click here to learn more.

Dashboards: Static images and custom icons in KPI widgets

You can now add custom icons to KPI widgets in your dashboards. This feature allows you to incorporate static images or icons that visually represent the type of information contained within each widget.

Business Benefits:

  • Enhanced Visual Appeal: Improve the overall look and feel of your dashboards with engaging icons, making them more visually attractive.
  • Quick Insights: Icons provide immediate visual cues about the data, reducing the need for lengthy descriptions and making it easier to grasp key metrics at a glance.
  • Improved Usability: Custom icons help users quickly identify and interpret different types of information, enhancing the dashboard’s effectiveness and user experience.

Click here to learn more.

Dashboards: Copy and paste reports in dashboards

Zoho Analytics now enables you to copy and paste reports and KPI widgets across different tabs within your dashboards. This functionality streamlines the process of reusing existing reports and widgets, reducing the need to recreate similar content from scratch.

Business Benefits:

  • Increased Efficiency: Save time by reusing reports and widgets without having to recreate them, significantly speeding up dashboard development.
  • Consistency: Maintain uniformity across different tabs in your dashboards by easily duplicating reports, ensuring consistency in data presentation.
  • Reduced Redundancy: Minimise redundant work and streamline workflow, allowing you to focus more on analysing and interpreting data rather than recreating reports.

Click here to learn more.

Dashboards: Sharing views created by users with admin

You can now share reports you create with administrators directly. This new feature allows users to share their custom views, which will be listed under the Shared Views folder for administrators. Each shared report will display the name of the user who shared it, ensuring transparency and facilitating collaboration.

Business Benefits:

  • Enhanced Collaboration: Users can now easily share their custom reports with administrators, fostering better communication and teamwork.
  • Improved Transparency: Administrators can see who shared each report, providing clarity on report origins and facilitating better oversight.
  • Streamlined Workflow: Simplifies the process of consolidating and reviewing user-generated reports, enhancing the efficiency of report management.

Click here to learn more.

Dashboards: Add-ons for Zoho CRM and Zoho Books ultimate plans

Users in the Ultimate plan of Zoho CRM, Zoho Books, and Zoho Inventory can purchase additional rows and users from the online store.

As we conclude the Zoho Analytics update August 2024, we’re excited to see how these enhancements will elevate your data analytics experience. From streamlined reports and enhanced capabilities to improved user interfaces and expanded customisation options, these updates are designed to empower your analytics strategies.

We invite you to explore these new features and discover how they can simplify your workflows, increase efficiency, and drive business growth. Should you have any questions or need further assistance why not book a meeting with our experts.

Got a question? Get in touch

We know we can’t answer all of your questions here, but feel free to get in touch via our contact form, or call us on 01323 409950