Goldstar considers testing the process of evaluating and verifying that the solution does what it is supposed to. Measured against the requirements outlined in the Agreed Software Design driven by the needs brought forth by the Discovery Workshop. The process is intended to prevent bugs, reducing development costs and improving performance.
With all, you must always test, test and test again. This is why we have 3 stages to complete our rigorous testing.
- Development check against what we created and that it works
- Another team member will test to make sure it’s not affected anything else, and it is fit for purpose
- We ask you to test before we release the work
By doing this we ensure that as catch as many bugs as possible before release.
The testing process
Our testing process draws from many distinct types of testing, each element with specific objectives and strategies;
- Acceptance Testing: Checking the system as a whole works as intended.
- Functional Testing: Verifying functionality by reproducing business operations, based on process requirements determined in the Discovery Workshop.
- Integration Testing: Ensuring all solution components function together and with any legacy solutions as a whole.
- Performance Testing: Assessing the solution under different workloads. Load testing, for example, replicates how the solution handles real-life conditions.
- Regression Testing: Checking whether new features impact existing functionality. Sanity testing to verify menus, functions, commands, and reports at an operational level if there is full roll-out of a new system.
- Stress Testing: Ensuring the system can operate at the desired level without impact – in fact, the system is pushed to determine its limitations. This is considered a type of non-functional testing.
- Unit Testing: Validating each software unit performs as specified and integrates with each other part of the system. A unit is the smallest testable component of the system – it could be a widget; it could be an import routine.
- Usability Testing: Validating the system runs as intended and can be understood and implemented by any user.
Once we are sure the solution meets the expectations set out in the agreed Software Design and specification, we like to get some of your power users to start using the system as soon as possible. This allows your users to see if there is anything that isn’t quite right before release.
Migration of Data
Data is the life blood of the systems we build for you. No data means no customers, payments and no need for a system.
We’ll help you migrate from any existing system you have in place whether that’s excel spreadsheets, an old CRM or even a custom database. We’ll give you honest advice and ask you the right questions to help you decide if you need all, some or none of the data.
Once tested and data is migrated we will work with you to plan the best training options for your business.
If your legacy Zoho solution is not working the way it should it may be a result of the data it contains. Contact Goldstar today to find out if we can turn that around and get you back on track.